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von: Mission Permanente de Singapour auprès de l'ONU | localité: ChatelaineN: MissionPermanentedeSingapourauprsdel'ONU
The Permanent Mission of the Republic of Singapore to the United Nations in Geneva would like to invite suitable candidates to apply for a permanent position of a Driver .
The expected job responsibilities are as follows:
- Drive Mission staff to and from official engagements as instructed (mainly in and around Geneva, but outstation driving may be required on rare occasions).
- Maintain all official vehicles under the driver's charge in good operational and clean condition at all times.
- Track the maintenance schedule of the official vehicles and liaise with the garage/workshop for the servicing of the vehicles when necessary.
- Maintain proper records of all usage of the vehicles by staff.
- Carry out other dispatch duties such as delivery of mail, gifts, etc.
- Assist in the Mission's events and other administrative tasks when required.
- Cover the duties of other drivers when necessary.
Applicants should possess the following qualifications:
- Good command of English and French
- Good knowledge of Swiss road traffic regulations and familiarity with roads in Geneva and neighboring cantons
- At least 5 years of full-time driving experience
- Basic IT and Microsoft applications knowledge
- A valid driving license in Switzerland
- Be willing to work overtime (especially evenings)
Application procedure
Interested applicants may apply with their detailed resume (including name, contact details, recent photo, academic qualifications and expected salary) online by 24 January 2025, attention to the following:
Ms Gweneal Lee
Third Secretary (Admin)
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Singapore
Avenue du Pailly 10
1219 Chatelaine, Geneva
Please note that only shortlisted applicants will be contacted by the Mission to await an interview after 31 January 2025.