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von: Haute Ecole d'Ingénierie | localité: SionN: HauteEcoled'Ingnierie
The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Valais (HES-SO Valais-Wallis) has over 2,800 students. Through research and innovation, it contributes to economic and social development and the creation of jobs. The new Energypolis campus, home to the School of Engineering, EPFL and modern start-ups, is an innovative ecosystem for education and research. Why not come and join us!
The Institute of Life Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Valais invites appplications for a :
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
in RSV Discovery Virology
Position description
The Postdoctoral Research Fellow will work in the Peptide and Protein research group to develop inhalable peptide inhibitors of Respiratory Syncytial Virus. This is a 4 years SNF funded project in collaboration with HEPIA, UNIGE, Université de Tours and INRAE.
Applicants should hold an advanced degree (Ph.D) in Chemistry, Chemical biology or Biological Sciences. The applicant should have experience in the field of peptide antivirals, peptidomimetics, molecular modeling and basic knowledge in LC/MS-MS. Some experience in pulmonary delivery would be a plus.
Contract duration : 39 months
Employement rate : 100%
Starting date : March 1 2025
Work location : Sion
For further information please contact Prof. Origène Nyanguile, at origene.nyanguile(α)
Please submit your complete application documents (CV, a brief statement describing how their research interests and skills related to this position, diplomas and certificates) by 31 January 2025 by clicking on the Apply button. Only online applications will be considered.